Registration for our community garden is now closed!

The Markham Missionary Church Community Garden is a community garden that is dedicated to providing members of the local community a free plot of land to grow fruits and vegetables. Participating in the community garden is free, any freewill donation would be highly appreciated so we can keep this program going.

Gardeners are responsible for the following:

  1. Watering and weeding your own plot
  2. Stay within your assigned plot
  3. Grow something you will be able to care for and will not encroach upon neighbouring plots
  4. NO USE of chemicals or pesticides
  5. Provide your own tools
  6. Attend the kickoff meeting

Due to the limited number of plots, if a plot is seen to be neglected (i.e. no activity at your plot for 3 weeks or more), we will consider it as abandoned and vacant.

Throughout the summer, we will be planning several in-person get-togethers (e.g. potlucks) and gardeners are highly encouraged to attend!

A few photos from our garden

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